Sunday, September 6, 2009

Daddy Day and I'm feeling a little put out

Okay, let me start by saying I love my husband and son.  But what is it about male genes that makes them incapable of closing a bread bag or turning off a light?  Why???  I feel like I spent my whole day following behind them closing things and turning stuff off!  Docs should offer women 'just in case valium' for days like today.  I really could have used a muscle relaxant.  Well, deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth weren't cutting it for me today.  Alright - I'm now imagining myself on the beach and Vic the muscle bound waiter is bringing me my favorite drink....hearing the waves....sun shining on on my face.  Okay, I'm better now.  That is until Vic does something stupid.  Cheers All!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Island far far away.

As an American, and I admit this freely, I think like an American. Unfortunately sometimes that thinking just doesn't fit well living in New Zealand. Case in son's school is having a "Glow in the Dark" themed dance coming up. And as any American can confirm that would be an easy request in the states. You just go to Target or Walmart or whatever quicky mart retail store and pick up a few items to suit your child's fancy. And hopefully you'll have outsmarted enough other mothers and fathers and your child will win 'best in show' at the dance. Well, in New Zealand there is NO one stop shopping to be had. Yes, we may have a few (small in comparison to the states) malls but that doesn't mean that you are going to find anything that glows in the dark. NOTHING! Maybe some old random tube of nail polish pushed back far on the shelf. Let me tell you that the pickings are more than slim - they are practically non-existent. So, thankfully we have TradeMe - basically a NZ version of ebay. But if you leave it to the last minute then you are screwed. Thinking ahead is essential.

So, why am I writing about this in my blog? Good question! I'm writing about it to remind Americans to be thankful for what they have - options in abundance. Something I sorely miss. Okay, yes, I'm a bit competitive and I want my kid to win too. So sue me!

So, this is just one of those days I miss the states more. I haven't been back since I left in 1996. I wonder sometimes how much of it has changed and if I would even be able to fit back into the 'fabric of American life' again if I were to return. And well, maybe one day we can all buy stuff that glows in the dark with ease and convenience....where ever you might live.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monopoly & Men

I'm at my usual it seems today - dishes, laundry and other domestic pursuits. My men are at the kitchen table playing Monopoly. Our son has taken a keen interest in making money and making that money make more money. It all started with giving him his weekly allowance of $2. Yes, I know 'so much money for one so young'. But of that $2 he can only spend $1 and the other dollar he has to put into his savings account. It's been amazing how before we had a child that thought money grew on trees. Now he is learning the value of money - literally right before our eyes. And he requested a chores list for earning extra money. WOW! Out of the way Trumps of the world - here comes EVAN!

Oh, Carrie get back to the books! Study! Study! Study! :-)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another day of Sunday

Today my men hung out in their pj's. Yes, well at least I got dressed. The wind and horizontal rain canceled rugby 7's this morning for our little guy - so we decided to stay in today. I got to do the dishes and laundry. My men got to play games - all sorts of games - on the pc, boardgames, card games and they even had some fun on the Wii. I love watching my men interact with each other. They can be so alike it's actually quite comical. And then a little bit of me will rear it's head in my son. Yes! The non-autistic DNA that I donated will sometimes come to the foreground and dance merrily. Puts a smile on my face everytime....and well, a quizzical frown on my husbands.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mummy's Day In New Zealand

It's Mummy's Day in New Zealand! This is actually one of my favorite days of the year. I'm currently waiting for my men to bring me breakfast in bed and then to do my bidding for the rest of the day. Cool! I'm thinking foot rubs and someone bringing me my favorite latte from the corner cafe. I told John that I love the Mummy Day gift he bought me. Okay - he didn't place the order - I did. But if I left it up to him - I wouldn't have gotten what I wanted. This way he doesn't have the hassle of even thinking of what to get me and then go about the task of actually getting it. He only has to cringe when he sees the amount on the VISA card. And that won't be for a month yet.

I bought a Presso coffee maker. My major vice is coffee -even though it messes with my sleep - I love coffee. So I buy gadgets and things that have to do with coffee. And when I saw this I immediately knew I wanted it. Here's the link -

So, back to my list of things to do. Hmm...napping will be good. I have to rest up now before I drink all that coffee and can't get to sleep later. Good Plan!!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To an old friend

Another complication of moving around is leaving behind friends and not keeping in touch with them. Our lives move quickly and we get on with the mundane things in life and forget rather important things like chatting with a friend and having a good laugh and laughing about old times. So much so in my life - I just heard about a life passing over a year ago - a person that lived life with great laughter and happiness. To think that she is no longer in this world spreading her smile and joy is hard to believe. So, I would like to take this opportunity to make a toast her. To Amy Martin - I will always remember you with a smile on my face and the thought of laughter in the air. You were a person of true joy.

Amy loved to play pranks on others. Before I left Juneau I threw a birthday party for her and a friend. And I invited a magician to come and do some creative things with balloons. I left before she had a chance to get me back. But, of course, she did. She sent a man dressed up in a chicken costume to my wedding. Actually the chicken was the highlight of the wedding as well. I knew she would get me back in the end.

My thoughts and prayers go to Don and your sons. I wish I had kept in contact with you or had known about your breast cancer. I guess this is in my own way - my saying 'good-bye' to you. You, I am certain of this, are greatly missed and memories of you are cherished by all.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Long day of Rugby

Had another day of rugby training with my son and then we watched the Hurricanes beat the Blues for the Super 14 Rugby! Awesome game. It's going to be a long weekend of rugby - my son is playing tomorrow and it's cold and rainy outside. You play rugby even if it's blowing a gale and the rain is coming down sideways. So, think about me being out in the weather watching my son play tomorrow. I'm sure it's going to be a great game!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

American Rugby???? Are there really people playing rugby in the states????

I'm an American and I love watching rugby now that I live in New Zealand. But when I found this promotional video on YouTube about the American rugby team called the Eagles it just made me laugh out loud and quite loudly as well. I had to show it to my huband - he actually gave it an encouraging thumbs up and hopes that the American Eagles do their very best to beat the NZ All Blacks one day. I don't think I'll still be alive at that point - but okay - Go the EAGLES!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The not so nice and mostly naughty boys at school.

It's not easy being a mum of a child with autism. We know our son has difficulty identifying who is friend and foe on the playground. Yet, even when kids are mean to him he still tries to engage them and to play with them. He simply believes that everyone is suppose to be nice. So, we have wonderful Kelsie starting work with him on the playground during recess tomorrow. She'll be there to teach him who is nice and not so nice. And try her best to educate him for the future so he will stay away from the 'not so nice' kids. I'm not trying to give excuses for 'meanies' out there. Yes, I believe instances when identified are addressed at the school. But it's not helpful if my son continues to engage these boys on the playground. So, guess we'll have to make a naughty and nice list - put the names on a piece of paper to help give him guidelines of who to approach and who to stay away from.

It breaks my heart that my son has to endure this. He is sweet natured and without malice. Oh, alright, he may act a bit odd at times, but that's not a good reason to target him. Shouldn't all parents take time to teach their kids that differences are good. Differences make the world an interesting place. Sameness is boring!

This is all compounded by the fact tht my son wants his mum to think that everything is good - that no problems exist and that I'm not to worry. He doesn't tell me anything!!!! It's so hard to help him when he won't talk with me about what is wrong. Well, it does take a village to raise a child. Sometimes someone other than a parent has to teach their child - and be there for them to talk about hard issues in their lives. All I can do is help put those people I trust in his life to give him someone to talk things over. I'll give him lots of cuddles and words of encouragement and love. It just goes to show you - sometimes being a parent means standing back and watching and being there when they are ready to talk to you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Evan on Small Blacks TV in New Zealand

Evan loves playing rugby and his team was featured on Small Blacks TV over the weekend here in New Zealand. I've pasted together a shortened version to share with everyone. He's doing pretty well for someone with ASD. We are very proud of him!!! Of course we know there is always a challenge in store for him, but Evan is always keen and happy to take on these challenges.

Just in case people want to know - the national rugby team is called the All Blacks. So for the kiddies television show about rugby is called Small Blacks TV. And of course the cricket team is called the Black Caps, the basketball team is called the Tall Blacks, the field hockey team is called the Black Sticks and so on. You get the idea!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ANZAC Day in New Zealand

It's ANZAC day today in New Zealand - basically NZ's version of Memorial Day. Everythings stops for the morning and people go to ANZAC parades and presentations all over the country. Even on TV they are playing tributes and stories about war veterens all morning. Then the shops will open up again in the afternoon. And since it's ANZAC day our son's rugby game will be on Sunday at 9am. Whew! As long as there is coffee I'll be there!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I love massage day!

Just got back from my biweekly massage. I love it. Now if I can only keep this feeling of serenity with me for the whole day. Yes, it's Friday and that means rugby practice for my son and his 3rd game this Sunday. Hope to have a relaxing weekend for all three of us - although there is much that needs to be done around this messy house. Cheers!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weeknight Wii

Here I am on the computer typing away while my son plays Rayman Raving Rabbids2 on Wii. A lot of toilet humor is involved in this game - so you can imagine the noises coming from the living room. I'm so proud of my son. He tries and he works really hard to fit in with others and is happy while doing so. He's been attending a 'mainstream' holiday program and is doing well there - meaning no complaints. I just hope that he continues at school that things continue to do well there too. As one mother once said to me though...."It's always something!" And I do believe she was right!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Starting another week

Well, it's late at night and have finally gotten our son off to bed.  Phew!  Now if I could only get over this stomach flu I might be happier.  I've been searching for freeware over the weekend in hopes of finding something to help me organize.  Also, been looking at Wii software that will be released soon.  I want to use my blog and twitter to help record my process of weight loss.  That's the plan anyway.  I plan on buying EA Sports Active and other games - something about working out in the privacy of your own home that makes me feel most comfortable and even positive that I can make this process work.  Well, if anyone reads this then send a silent wish of luck my way.  Cheers!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well, it's Sunday and Bunny Day for everyone here in New Zealand. My son, husband and I have started our day with a power breakfast of ....yes.... you guessed it....CHOCOLATE!!! Wow, what good parents we are! My son is bouncing off the walls and it's not even 11am yet. I've put him on the Wii playing Animal Crossing looking for all his eggs to take to Bunny T. Zipper to exchange for egg furniture. Now, that's a goal I can really sink my teeth into.

On the morrow I begin again that quest to shed pounds - if only there was a way to shed them as easily as it is to gain them. I'm waiting for EA Sports Active and other Wii games to hopefully help me drop the weight. Lately it's been hard to exercise with twisting my knee and hurting my hip. But, I'll just suffer through it - with the help of codeine of course!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Introduction - First Blog Ever!

Just to introduce myself - I'm an American living in New Zealand. Yes, I was kidnapped by my husband (was then boyfriend in 1996) and dragged kicking and screaming (okay I got on the plane of my own volition) to New Zealand. I've been here since October 1996 and haven't been back to the states since. Why? Well, I was boycotting American waiting for a Democrat President before I could return. Thank you Obama!!! Now, it's nice to know I can go home. It's been a scarey 8 years. I don't have anything nice to say about the %*!# that was president before. But, that's probably best left to another blog. So, hi and let the blogging begin!!!