Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well, it's Sunday and Bunny Day for everyone here in New Zealand. My son, husband and I have started our day with a power breakfast of ....yes.... you guessed it....CHOCOLATE!!! Wow, what good parents we are! My son is bouncing off the walls and it's not even 11am yet. I've put him on the Wii playing Animal Crossing looking for all his eggs to take to Bunny T. Zipper to exchange for egg furniture. Now, that's a goal I can really sink my teeth into.

On the morrow I begin again that quest to shed pounds - if only there was a way to shed them as easily as it is to gain them. I'm waiting for EA Sports Active and other Wii games to hopefully help me drop the weight. Lately it's been hard to exercise with twisting my knee and hurting my hip. But, I'll just suffer through it - with the help of codeine of course!

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