Saturday, April 11, 2009

Introduction - First Blog Ever!

Just to introduce myself - I'm an American living in New Zealand. Yes, I was kidnapped by my husband (was then boyfriend in 1996) and dragged kicking and screaming (okay I got on the plane of my own volition) to New Zealand. I've been here since October 1996 and haven't been back to the states since. Why? Well, I was boycotting American waiting for a Democrat President before I could return. Thank you Obama!!! Now, it's nice to know I can go home. It's been a scarey 8 years. I don't have anything nice to say about the %*!# that was president before. But, that's probably best left to another blog. So, hi and let the blogging begin!!!


  1. Welcome to blogging also new! Look forward to seeing more of your blog!
