Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An Island far far away.

As an American, and I admit this freely, I think like an American. Unfortunately sometimes that thinking just doesn't fit well living in New Zealand. Case in point....my son's school is having a "Glow in the Dark" themed dance coming up. And as any American can confirm that would be an easy request in the states. You just go to Target or Walmart or whatever quicky mart retail store and pick up a few items to suit your child's fancy. And hopefully you'll have outsmarted enough other mothers and fathers and your child will win 'best in show' at the dance. Well, in New Zealand there is NO one stop shopping to be had. Yes, we may have a few (small in comparison to the states) malls but that doesn't mean that you are going to find anything that glows in the dark. NOTHING! Maybe some old random tube of nail polish pushed back far on the shelf. Let me tell you that the pickings are more than slim - they are practically non-existent. So, thankfully we have TradeMe - basically a NZ version of ebay. But if you leave it to the last minute then you are screwed. Thinking ahead is essential.

So, why am I writing about this in my blog? Good question! I'm writing about it to remind Americans to be thankful for what they have - options in abundance. Something I sorely miss. Okay, yes, I'm a bit competitive and I want my kid to win too. So sue me!

So, this is just one of those days I miss the states more. I haven't been back since I left in 1996. I wonder sometimes how much of it has changed and if I would even be able to fit back into the 'fabric of American life' again if I were to return. And well, maybe one day we can all buy stuff that glows in the dark with ease and convenience....where ever you might live.


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