Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monopoly & Men

I'm at my usual it seems today - dishes, laundry and other domestic pursuits. My men are at the kitchen table playing Monopoly. Our son has taken a keen interest in making money and making that money make more money. It all started with giving him his weekly allowance of $2. Yes, I know 'so much money for one so young'. But of that $2 he can only spend $1 and the other dollar he has to put into his savings account. It's been amazing how before we had a child that thought money grew on trees. Now he is learning the value of money - literally right before our eyes. And he requested a chores list for earning extra money. WOW! Out of the way Trumps of the world - here comes EVAN!

Oh, Carrie get back to the books! Study! Study! Study! :-)

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