Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The not so nice and mostly naughty boys at school.

It's not easy being a mum of a child with autism. We know our son has difficulty identifying who is friend and foe on the playground. Yet, even when kids are mean to him he still tries to engage them and to play with them. He simply believes that everyone is suppose to be nice. So, we have wonderful Kelsie starting work with him on the playground during recess tomorrow. She'll be there to teach him who is nice and not so nice. And try her best to educate him for the future so he will stay away from the 'not so nice' kids. I'm not trying to give excuses for 'meanies' out there. Yes, I believe instances when identified are addressed at the school. But it's not helpful if my son continues to engage these boys on the playground. So, guess we'll have to make a naughty and nice list - put the names on a piece of paper to help give him guidelines of who to approach and who to stay away from.

It breaks my heart that my son has to endure this. He is sweet natured and without malice. Oh, alright, he may act a bit odd at times, but that's not a good reason to target him. Shouldn't all parents take time to teach their kids that differences are good. Differences make the world an interesting place. Sameness is boring!

This is all compounded by the fact tht my son wants his mum to think that everything is good - that no problems exist and that I'm not to worry. He doesn't tell me anything!!!! It's so hard to help him when he won't talk with me about what is wrong. Well, it does take a village to raise a child. Sometimes someone other than a parent has to teach their child - and be there for them to talk about hard issues in their lives. All I can do is help put those people I trust in his life to give him someone to talk things over. I'll give him lots of cuddles and words of encouragement and love. It just goes to show you - sometimes being a parent means standing back and watching and being there when they are ready to talk to you.

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