Sunday, September 6, 2009

Daddy Day and I'm feeling a little put out

Okay, let me start by saying I love my husband and son.  But what is it about male genes that makes them incapable of closing a bread bag or turning off a light?  Why???  I feel like I spent my whole day following behind them closing things and turning stuff off!  Docs should offer women 'just in case valium' for days like today.  I really could have used a muscle relaxant.  Well, deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth weren't cutting it for me today.  Alright - I'm now imagining myself on the beach and Vic the muscle bound waiter is bringing me my favorite drink....hearing the waves....sun shining on on my face.  Okay, I'm better now.  That is until Vic does something stupid.  Cheers All!


  1. Boy can I relate. I always say I spend most of my day running between the dishwasher and the washing machine...or picking up socks, plates and trash that's been left out.

    Have fun with that drink, even if its only in your dreams.
